
Simplified Process
90% of investors who trade in the stock market lose money. We researched top traders for months who were consistently making recommendations across various networks and raving across how these securities were going to keep increasing in value. These notifications however, were always followed by a massive decline in price resulting in stock chasers holding overweight positions at a loss. We came to the conclusion that manipulation runs deep across the market.
What we realized is that patterns tend to repeat. Whether you're trying to catch the ride up or down, with the right indicators and strategy, you can always benefit from identifying the breaking points in the pattern. Prior to releasing the first version of the product "ShortAlgo" (designed for shorting), we recorded every NYSE / NASDAQ / CBOE security which performed parabolic movements and found that a significant correction occurred in 98% of instances, usually resulting in the price adjustment of 28% of more by the next day session. For those 2% of instances a short squeeze would occur (stock keeps increasing in value due to excessive short interest), so we created a process for easily identifying these isolated instances.
Unlike other indicators who weigh 60% or more of their script on the Volume as a trigger, we rely on 15 unique indicators to identify trends in securities (Our weighting on Volume is less than 10%). Our studies have suggested that one does not require volume to support an advantageous and profitable position in the market. These are the same formulas used by HFT to consistently beat the market.
Proven Strategies
Our algorithm had endured rigorous back-testing prior to launching to confirm statistically consistent results across various securities and trading strategies.

Step-by-Step Guide
Combining the indicators from the algorithm with our easy-to-follow trading strategies, traders can now improve their overall trading performance.
Trading Videos

Shorting $BNSO, &NNOX, $TENX, $ELSE, $CELC and $AFMD on 2021_03_26
Shorting $BNTC, $TKAT, $BLFS, $ORMP, $MRKR and $SNMP on 2021_03_26
Shorting NBY on 2021_01_13
(Novabay Pharmaceuticals)
Shorting LIVE on 2021_01_13
(Live Ventures Inc)
Shorting NXTD on 2020_12_16
(NXTD-ID, Inc)
Shorting NVCN on 2020_12_16
(Neovasc, Inc)
Shorting XXII on 2020_12_14
(22nd Century Group)
Shorting ARVN on 2020_12_14
(Arvinas, Inc)
Shorting GENE on 2020_12_10
(Genetic Technologies)
Shorting ANIX on 2020_12_10
(Anixa Biosciences)
Shorting $MRKR, $SBBP, $ACER, $ODT, $SPRT and $SLGG 2021_03_26
Shorting ACOR on 2021_01_13
(Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.)
Shorting CCM on 2020_12_16
(Concord Medical Services, Ltd)
Shorting RUBY on 2020_12_14
(Rubius Therapeutics, Inc)
Shorting RCON on 2020_12_10
(Recon Technology)